Saturday, 29 September 2018

Add Applications To The Context Menu

Ever wondered if you could add any application to the context menu on Windows? It maybe the desktop context menu or the explorer's context menu but either way, it makes things easier and quicker. 

Read below to find out how it's done:

Friday, 28 September 2018

Windows 10 October Update New Features

You already know that the next big update for Windows 10 (codenamed Redstone 5) is gonna be released in October because I said it on the title. Well now it has an exact date, October 2nd. It's not important for geeks like us but it's very important for normal people. There are some really interesting features coming along with the October update.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Edit Metadata Of Mp3 Files

In this post, I'm gonna talk about editing album art, artist, album and other meta data (or mp3 tags) of mp3 files. These methods aren't tested flac and wmv files but could work with them too. This post is for you if you love customizing your things to making them unique to you.

I'm gonna discuss about 2 software and 1 Android app:

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Battery Icon Missing [Fixed]

The battery icon was always there for you but now it's gone. It's gone from the system tray of the task bar. Now you miss it and also there's is no way to know the battery percentage.

Here's the fix:

Friday, 14 September 2018

Compress Images To Save Space

So you have a ton of photos, you can't delete them but can't keep them either because you're running out of space. The only option is to die. Well, surprisingly there's another solution. You can compress photos without affecting the quality of them.

Here's how it's done:

Monday, 10 September 2018

Direct Download Torrents

If you're reading this you probably know what a torrent is. If you don't, get to know about torrents first and learn something new. Just like that Mercury is not the hottest planet of our solar system. Guess which one is it.
This post is about torrents so...

Here's how to download torrents directly:

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Gain Gigabytes Of Space On Windows

Tired of seeing red partitions even if they look kinda good? Let's turn them back to blue. Junk takes a lot of space on your hard drive and maybe you're not aware of that. It's just like you're not aware of the fact that the sun's mass takes up 99% mass of our entire solar system.

Follow the steps below and clean your PC up!

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Stop Windows 10 Updates Permanently

You're doing something useless as always on your PC, you go away for a few minutes and yeah, they're installing some 'important' updates. And you're gonna have to wait for hours to do nothing again. Also, you'll have to spend one more hour to find what was so 'important' because you don't see anything changed.

So here's how to stop those annoying updates.